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Yule: Celebrating the Winter Solstice and Christmas as an Awakened Being


    It has been two years since my awakening, and this is the first year where I have really paid attention to astrology, the equinoxes and solstices, and the path of the sun. It's a little difficult for a neophyte because I know very little of the traditions of these days or how they should be celebrated. What's more, the winter solstice will take place on a Wednesday this year, and I will be working hard that day as usual, so whatever celebration I can do will be muted. Is there anyone else out there who is new to all this? Are you feeling this way too?

    Well, I thought I would look into what the Winter Solstice is and how it can be celebrated this year. Apparently, Yule comes from the Norse word Hweol. The Norse apparently believed that the sun was a wheel of fire that spun away from the earth, and then back toward it, and that the Yule was the day that it began to return to earth again. So it is the celebration of the returning of the wheel, a time of ending, and a time of beginning. It is a time of illumination, as the light comes back into the darkness of light.

    I can certainly see why Christianity is layered on top of this. Christmas contains the light that shines in darkness, the miraculous birth of the Baby. Now that I have learned how that the "light that lighteth

every man that cometh into the world" (John 1) is the same divine light that is in every one of us, I can see both of these holidays together, and the illumination of my spirit dispels all the shadows of contradiction between the two. Both Yule and Christmas are a celebration of love and light. It is a wonderful time to contemplate immortality. To say a prayer and meditate upon peace on earth, and goodwill toward men.

    So, how should I celebrate Yule? Any ideas out there? I would welcome them. Perhaps I should have a large Yule log in the house? What about hanging mistletoe? Where do I even get mistletoe anyway? They don't really sell it in any store that I have seen. Do you just make something resembling mistletoe yourself?

    For sure I will set up the Yule (Christmas) Tree, and perhaps decorate it with little woodland spirits that are said to inhabit them? Perhaps I shall even depict the Holly King and the Oak King under the tree? And for sure, I want to craft my own image of Saint Nicholas this year. Certainly, I shall meditate during the solstice and the full moon following it. It will be a blue moon, I believe.

    I think an important thing to realize is that Christianity and spirituality are not at odds with each other at this time of the year. That is all an illusion, fueled by internet trolls on both sides. Focus on peace, and you can see that the Christian and spiritual traditions work together in glorious harmony.

    So what about you? What Yule and/or Christian traditions do you celebrate? I would love to hear about it in the comments. Happy Yule and Merry Christmas to you, and may the turning of the wheel bring good fortune to you and yours. And may Peace on Earth and Good Will toward men become more than just a dream for us. Love and Light to you.


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