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Tao of the Eagle

      Yesterday as I was driving, I was blessed to watch as a bald eagle took flight and soared right over my vehicle. This is not the first time this has happened. In fact, since moving to Iowa, this has occurred multiple times. I have taken this as a sign of good luck because the eagle is a symbol of the universe. In the folklore of the American Indian, the bald eagle is directly connected to the Great Spirit and is a representative. It has a massive wingspan that makes it the king of the air, but also strong legs for walking on the ground. In this way, it perfectly illustrates how we are to interact with Tao. The Eagle soars effortlessly with the currents of the wind, but also stays connected to the earth. In everything, it flows with Tao, never against it.     When the eagle spreads its wings and flies above the earth, it is perfectly still. You do not see it struggle to stay in the air. It rarely has to even flap its wings. It stays in the air like a kite, ...
Recent posts

The Universal Thread

      Today I feel like taking a break from the series I have been doing on my changing view of the Bible and going into topics more in line with the Taoist spirituality I am living now. Reflection on where we've been is good, and hopefully my reflections will be helpful, but too much reflection makes one forget where they are currently. The most important thing we can be is in the present moment.     Since my awakening , I have discovered myself to be on a spiritual quest. The practice of spirituality that has made the most sense to me is Taoism. However, my awakening has freed me from being narrow-mindedly focused on just one way, as I was previously when I was a Fundamental Baptist. Now, I have the freedom to explore many different belief systems and spiritual practices.     It is always good to open yourself up and experience more than one view on things. One thing I would recommend, especially for young people, is that you travel to another c...

Becoming Untethered: An Awakened Being's Changing View of the Bible, Part 3

      In my previous blog post , I wrote about a well-known theory of how we got the first five books of the Bible, known as the Pentateuch. It was something I was aware of, even when I was still a Fundamental Christian, but did not really open my mind to. As someone who is supposed to be writing about Spirituality and Taoism, I hope that I have not lost you along the way. There's a reason I keep making excursions into Christian territory. This is my background, and as such, I am compelled to reinvestigate it with a higher mind. A secondary reason for my meanderings into old scripture manuscripts is because I think it may help someone else who may have also grown up in the church.     I want to address some objections that have been raised to the JEDP theory . Personally, I don't know how much of it I hold to. According to the late Dr. Alan Cairns 1 , a Free Presbyterian scholar, the idea that the Pentateuch (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deutero...

Becoming Untethered: An Awakened Being's Changing View on the Bible, Part 2

       In a previous post , I wrote about my experience growing up believing that the Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God, and how that shaped my view of the world up until my spiritual awakening in 2020. I focused earlier at how I came to realize the book of Genesis contains two creatin stories, and the post focused primarily upon those stories.     I would like to take a step back now, and focus on the entire first five books of the Bible, called the Pentateuch (Pent-a-Took). For those of you who really don't fancy looking too deeply at the Bible, I'll follow it up with some spiritual lessons I have since learned from Taoism.     The viewpoint that I grew up with is that there was once a real person named Moses. This is believed by Fundamentalists, Orthodox Jews, and a shrinking number of Evangelical Christians, He lived somewhere back in the 4000s B.C. He led his people out of Egypt, but he also organized their culture, instituted a re...

Becoming Untethered: An Awakened Being's Changing View on the Bible, Part 1

      I grew up Baptist. Not just Baptist either, but Independent, Fundamental, Separated Baptist. I received Jesus Christ as my Saviour at the age of five and was baptized a year later. It was one of the few times I allowed myself to be dunked underwater completely because I had such a fear of putting my head underwater at that age. Growing up like this meant, of course, that I was raised to believe that the Bible is the literal Word of God. All of the stories are true. All of the instruction in the Bible is good for doctrine and practice in the daily life. Nothing was to be questioned, and it contains all of the answers you could possibly ask about life. Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose? Where do I go from here? All of these questions are answered in the pages of the Bible.     In later years, I lived a year and a half in Utah and zealously argued with the Mormons, trying to convince them of the error of their ways and to trust in Jesus Christ ...

Yule: Celebrating the Winter Solstice and Christmas as an Awakened Being

      It has been two years since my awakening, and this is the first year where I have really paid attention to astrology, the equinoxes and solstices, and the path of the sun. It's a little difficult for a neophyte because I know very little of the traditions of these days or how they should be celebrated. What's more, the winter solstice will take place on a Wednesday this year, and I will be working hard that day as usual, so whatever celebration I can do will be muted. Is there anyone else out there who is new to all this? Are you feeling this way too?     Well, I thought I would look into what the Winter Solstice is and how it can be celebrated this year. Apparently, Yule comes from the Norse word Hweol. The Norse apparently believed that the sun was a wheel of fire that spun away from the earth, and then back toward it, and that the Yule was the day that it began to return to earth again. So it is the celebration of the returning of the wheel, a time...

Finding the Sameness in All Religions

    Not long after my spiritual awakening, I contacted a Taoist and Qi Gong practitioner who was kind enough to talk to me for a while as I tried to figure myself out. At one point, we discussed how I had gone to believing the Protestant Christian view of the world was the only correct viewpoint to now being able to see nearly every point of view. He said something that has stuck with me since then. "When you look at different religions, don't look for the differences. Look for the sameness." Since that point, I have come to realize that, as Stuart Wilde once said, "the spirit world has a nice way of making everybody right." 1     There are many religions and philosophies the world over, and many of them are quite dogmatic. In the past, Christians persecuted other groups and each other. I have a friend on the other side of the world whose whole family converted from Buddhism to Protestant Christianity, and they were persecuted by the Buddhists. I once met a man ...