Yesterday as I was driving, I was blessed to watch as a bald eagle took flight and soared right over my vehicle. This is not the first time this has happened. In fact, since moving to Iowa, this has occurred multiple times. I have taken this as a sign of good luck because the eagle is a symbol of the universe. In the folklore of the American Indian, the bald eagle is directly connected to the Great Spirit and is a representative. It has a massive wingspan that makes it the king of the air, but also strong legs for walking on the ground. In this way, it perfectly illustrates how we are to interact with Tao. The Eagle soars effortlessly with the currents of the wind, but also stays connected to the earth. In everything, it flows with Tao, never against it. When the eagle spreads its wings and flies above the earth, it is perfectly still. You do not see it struggle to stay in the air. It rarely has to even flap its wings. It stays in the air like a kite, ...
Today I feel like taking a break from the series I have been doing on my changing view of the Bible and going into topics more in line with the Taoist spirituality I am living now. Reflection on where we've been is good, and hopefully my reflections will be helpful, but too much reflection makes one forget where they are currently. The most important thing we can be is in the present moment. Since my awakening , I have discovered myself to be on a spiritual quest. The practice of spirituality that has made the most sense to me is Taoism. However, my awakening has freed me from being narrow-mindedly focused on just one way, as I was previously when I was a Fundamental Baptist. Now, I have the freedom to explore many different belief systems and spiritual practices. It is always good to open yourself up and experience more than one view on things. One thing I would recommend, especially for young people, is that you travel to another c...