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Tao of the Eagle


    Yesterday as I was driving, I was blessed to watch as a bald eagle took flight and soared right over my vehicle. This is not the first time this has happened. In fact, since moving to Iowa, this has occurred multiple times. I have taken this as a sign of good luck because the eagle is a symbol of the universe. In the folklore of the American Indian, the bald eagle is directly connected to the Great Spirit and is a representative. It has a massive wingspan that makes it the king of the air, but also strong legs for walking on the ground. In this way, it perfectly illustrates how we are to interact with Tao. The Eagle soars effortlessly with the currents of the wind, but also stays connected to the earth. In everything, it flows with Tao, never against it.

    When the eagle spreads its wings and flies above the earth, it is perfectly still. You do not see it struggle to stay in the air. It rarely has to even flap its wings. It stays in the air like a kite, not expending all of its energy. As it scans the earth below, its excellent eyesight may pick out a mouse in the field. From way up in the air, the wings fold back, and the eagle instantaneously enters a dive. Within seconds it has plucked the unsuspecting mouse from the field and is taking it back to its nest. When it has finished eating, or feeding the animal to its young, it is once again in the sky, effortlessly sailing through the air on the currents of Tao.

    There is an important lesson for us here. We too must not use our energy up unnecessarily. Too often,
we hustle and jostle and grind and fight our way through life, as if we are paddling a canoe against the current of a stream. Humanity seems to be in a fight to see who can reach the top, and this is done often through deceit or overwork, and putting oneself through every stressor in life. This is a foolish game, and it can ruin a person financially, emotionally, morally, and physically. Instead, learn to flow with Tao. Observe the times and the seasons. Learn how to build and manage your energy. If you do not expend energy needlessly, it will be there when an opportunity arises.
    For the eagle, it was not using energy at all, then it saw an opportunity, and so there was a rapid burst of energy to take advanage of an opportunity. Are you looking for love, for a better financial situation, for a better job or house? Do not follow conventional wisdom to acquire these things. Learn first gratitue for where you are now. Then, just allow yourself to flow with whatever current life is sending your way at the present. It may or may not be pleasant, but keep in mind that all things change. You can attempt to manifest things in your life, and I do that as well, but when you meditate and seek to manifest, always remember to let the Universe take care of that desire in its own time and way. Release it and don't worry about how or why. In this way, you will not use vital energy worrying about it.

    Then, when the opportunity arises, jump at once. Use the energy you have been storing. As the means come together to acquire the thing you are seeking, you will see it, and you will know that this is it. Now, take the opportunity. Watch life change for you. Then, go back to flowing with the Tao and wait for the next opportunity. Remember the eagle.


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